Food Products

LIQUISS - Functional Sugar Syrups

For the Food Industry

We manufacture premium products such as sugar syrup, invert sugar and caramel. Our portfolio also includes glucose, fructose and sorbitol. From these components, we mix syrups tailored to your needs with the desired label and deliver the mixtures in tankers, containers or canisters at your request.

Small packaging for the catering industry

The processing food industry has long been aware of the benefits of our sugar syrups. We are now also distributing a wide range of functional sugar mixes in small packaging for use in hotels, restaurants, bars, hospitals and homes. The products are available in practical baginboxes, buckets or PET bottles.


  • Bruno Pfenniger

    Head Purchasing / Sales Tel +41 44 439 10 15
  • Stephan Michel

    Quality Manager_______ Tel +41 44 439 10 18